Q: Do you have direct billing to insurance companies?
A: We can direct bill to almost every major insurance provider. This also depends on the practitioner and their provided service as well as the clients plan. Some plans will not allow direct billing. We try our best to accommodate our clients in this regard but signing up with multiple billing portals makes it very complicated and difficult to manage. All insurance companies that use Telus Health, Provider Connect and Blue Cross we can do!
Q: Is the massage chair still available?
A: No unfortunately it is now a discontinued service as we had to make room for our new practitioners!
Q: Will the massage chairs be brought back?
A: Perhaps if we ever expand the building or move locations. The massage chair business model will be restructured to a walk in membership service.
Q: Is the clinic open to walk ins?
A: Generally no as we do all of our bookings online or right after an appointment. We cannot guarantee that someone will be at the front at the time. We all have busy schedules with clients and do not have a full time human receptionist currently. We recommend using our online booking system. It is very straightforward, easy and convenient for both the practitioner and client.